Guess Who's Bizack
yes... soo.... i'm back. i haven't done this in so long, that i had to start a whole new page because the last post i made to the other one was in january 2003. so let's just say thats the end of that one.
a lot of shit has changed since then. that was practically 2 years ago. but since i write for me and my enjoyment, there's really no need to spend much time on what's happened in the past. as it stands, i'm all about now and later. which also happens to be a candy that i enjoy quite a bit.
so here i am... my 5th and final year as an undergrad at UMBC. i don't think you know how excited i am that this shit is about to be over. the whole school thing is growing tired by the hour and i just can't take it anymore. well, i'll be back for grad school in the fall, but that's a whole different ball game.
this semester i'm taking the least amount of credits that i have taken in a semester since i've been here. at first i felt somewhat loser-esque because i'm not slaving over my studies and this is my senior year. then i thought about it, and now i say to hell with it. its my last year dammit. and one of these semesters in this (my 5th year) was gonna have to be easy or... laid back, if you will. and that semester is this semester because i'm - dare i say - chillin.
wouldn't it be great if you could look back at some document of sorts and there is a list of all the things you did way back when? i think so.
yesterday, i went to work and fought my everlasting desire to sleep.
sidenote: am i the only one that loves to sleep? don't get me wrong... i also enjoy chillin with my friends, and watchin movies, and shopping, and partyin... and long walks on the beach (haha) just like the rest of the population, but TO SLEEP is pure bliss. maybe it's because i be so tiiiiiired at the end of the day... or shit... even the middle of the day.
anyway, i went to work, came home and was so prepared to go to class at 5:30. i just needed a slight boost in the form of a quick nap to get me going for the learning portion of my day. so... i lay down. and of course i get up in time for class... but then i roll over and sleep until 6:30 or so. napped right thru class. dammit.
so i say ok. now i have to do something productive. (i believe if you don't do something that you were supposed to do, ie: go to class, work, clean, etc., then you should do something productive in the place of said missed event. it all balances out this way) so... aha! its 6:30.. time for me to register for the last semester of my undergrad career. courses added and... done.
it's tuesday so it's staff meeting night. tonight we're having a thanksgiving dinner of sorts and i'm in charge of the stuffing.
i go talk to derek for a few about boys and girls and all the things they do. we love this topic. if you don't know derek you need to introduce yourself.
so we're talkin right outside of supreme's apartment, so i decided to stop by and say hello. he's chillin wit his brother, shootin the shit. is it normal to NOT spread your peanut butter and jelly on the bread when you're making a sandwich? i guess some just like the ball of flavor in the middle.
it's 8pm. you know what that means... my wife and kids on abc.
now its 8:30... i chilled with the roomie for a bit. she had to go to the library to finish up a paper for class and i had to get on with the making of the stuffing. so we parted ways after sippin a bit of alcohol between us.
staff thanksgiving. good food, good times.
now its late as hell and i KNOW that my ass has to be up early in the morning but i decide to go back over to supreme's spot. i'm armed with a plate of food, a sweet potato pie, a pound cake and 2 cans of soda. his brother and his brother's roommate is there so we chill for a bit then decide to step off campus.
we run past crown then go to the chill spot where we lunch off of any and everything that comes to mind. i don't want the party to end, but mama's gotta go to sleep. so i bid the boys adieu and retire to my floral scented room and crawl under my lavendar comforter.
oh and i overslept this morning. haha... oh well. it don't matter how many hours of sleep i get, i still manage to oversleep.
i lead such an exciting life.
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