I'm Hyper Man!
how hyper can one be? shit. i've been like this since last night. bouncin off the walls and whatnot like i'm going crazy or something. i have no idea why.
last night was cool tho. again, i slept right thru class. (i need to stop doing that) i woke up and thought about all the shit that i had to do and immediately felt a headache approaching.
so i was supposed to have a meeting at 6pm with Jonae, but she's sick, so i was informed that it will have to take place later this week. (i'm not too sure what that means, because it's already thursday... i don't know how much later we can get in the week) but it's all good Jonae... get better soon. i'll just bug you some other time.
then, cordgy had a program at 7pm... but i didn't go on time or anything like that... had to chillax for a bit. supreme and his crew, or "gangsta's in training" as he called them, came thru (for marble cake) and stayed a bit. played a game of texas somethin or other. i retreated back to my room for some leftover uno's pizza and dave chappelle comedy hour. which reminds me... i need to finish watching that when i get back to school so i can stay hip and down with the people.
the roomie had fashion show practice... we bullshitted til it was really time to go and our lazy asses drove down to chesapeake/patapsco from west hill. i dropped kb off (also known as the roomie) at her practice and high tailed it to chesapeake for a free home cooked meal.
oh gracious... and a home cooked meal is what i got. i didn't even eat down there because i wasn't hungry (remember, i ate the uno's pizza just an hour before) but i sure did take a plate to go. well, not a plate exactly. it was more like a foil tray of food AND a dessert box. oh and some plastic cups. free stuff just always tastes better. i think it's cause you feel like you've hit the jackpot of some sort.
when i initially arrived, the front desk people weren't tryin to let jenger in, so i worked my magic and made it happen. i'm just too cute. jenger said she needed to talk to me, but wanted to do so in a sit down fashion, so we decided to meet up later to discuss her issues.
there was also a program going on simultaneously in terrace. this was actually the program that i co-sponsored, so it was imperative that i be there. so me and angela high-tailed it from chesapeake to terrace to put in our 2 cents on living on your own. (thats what the program was about) there wasn't a great turnout, but i expected as much seeing as how there was another program that involved REAL FOOD that was going on at the same time. that's usually the way it goes. people go where the food is, and i can't say i blame them.
we finished up at terrace and drove (yes, drove) back down to chesapeake to catch the end of the food program. it was clean up time, so i helped pop balloons then bounced out. i walked thru the lobby to make my exit and i saw a friend that i hadn't seen in a while so i kicked it wit him for a bit. i called kb and told her to come thru after her practice so we could drive back up to west hill together.
bother-boy calls, and i'm reluctant to answer the phone, but i must stay professional. i just tell him to holla at me when he gets on campus. luckily supreme was around so i didn't have to rush back to my spot.
kb and gene come thru for a second or two. he educates us on the 3 hole rule then we depart from good ol' chesapeake for our journey back up top.
i drop off part of my home-cooked treasure at the apartment of the "gangsta's in training." i get thank you's and proceed on with my night.
kb is still standin outside the car talkin to these dudes. they introduce themselves and then ask for my food. one track minds, i swear. but i say yes to their requests nonetheless. i have a problem with saying no. i need to work on that. anyway, they didn't take the food, but gave me thank you's for the thought. they left to go to their apartments while me and kb went to get ready to go to a party in pg.
jenger hits me up on the trusty sidekick. gotta go back to my room now so we can discuss girly things and i can be there for the active listening and understanding portion of the evening. at this point, i thought we could still make appearances at the party. its only 10:30pm.
jenger and i have our conversation. now it's after midnight, and i ain't goin no where. kb already changed into her chill-wear, and i was ready to call it a night myself.
i had to give supreme a gold star before i went to bed though. just wanted to give him a lil encouragement cause i be proud of him at times. this was just one of those times.
back to the apartment for glorious sleep. and guess what? i still overslept this morning. haha... that will never change.
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