Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Pieces of That Puzzle

HAPPY 23rd BIRTHDAY TARA!!! i still can't believe your ass is going to south america for 2 years. got damn.

so let's talk about how i've been working (literally) ever since i stepped foot in here this morning. now i know you're probably thinking "so what." and if you're thinking that, then you must not be a friend of mine. because if you were, you would know that i try my hardest to do absolutely nothing. in this case i have no choice because a massive amount of work was dumped in my lap as of last week and i must finish it by the end of january. good luck to me.

i'm excited. school's startin soon.

i'm so tired right now... i think i'm gonna take a nap in the handicapped stall in the women's bathroom. i could use a refresher.

ok and i'm back. nothin like a quick nap during the work day to get you back on your feet. that's another reason why i can't wait til i get my house. i plan for it to be down here near work, so durin lunch, i can just take my ass home and go to sleep.

oh to live alone. how wonderful that will be. walking in your residence, knowing that everything is as you left it... knowing that you can do as you please, when you please, where you please for however long you please... heavenly. and that is the one part of life that i simply cannot wait for.

i went to the movies last night. coach carter was inspirational. it was very cute.

does the general population floss often? i know i don't. i need to though. i was thinking about getting my teeth professionally bleached, but i don't want them to look artificial. plus that shit is expensive and i just don't got it like that.

i'm not a perfect person. just thought i'd share, in case you thought otherwise.

have you ever been seduced before? do you know what it feels like? it's like you have no control over what's going on. it feels like... you're just goin wit the flow, but you're not really aware of what that flow is. it's like your mind shuts down and you're just doing what feels right to your body. it just feels... so good. now you want more. i know i do.

"it's bout time we get together. let's dance now, hook up later; we can do whatever..."

there's much more to me than the eye can see.


Blogger T said...


3:06 PM  
Blogger LudaKhris said...

First of all I'm incredibly angry that you have dots for the time you spent at your damn nap. Secondly yes I went to work on mlk we dont get it off unless were working with a gov. customer, which I'm not right now. I LOVE being seduced, its the best damn thing on the planet 4real!

3:09 PM  

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