Monday, February 07, 2005

Ahead of the Game

it feels like i haven't written in here in a long ass time. seems like forever.

i've been keepin busy now that school has started back. had to go through RA training again FOR THE LAST TIME... which wasn't too bad this year. we went to see the holocaust as a group. it was a sad experience. i'm not too sure why they made us go through that, seeing as how it was really an individual trip. there was no tour guide and no group activities besides reading the posters on the walls. it was a good learning experience though. last time i went to that museum was in 8th grade. i don't think i really appreciated it then... it was too much for me to handle.

then school started last week. i'm goin out with a bang. i'm tryin to get straight a's this semester. i've only done that twice since i've been here, but those were both summer sessions. i know i'm capable of gettin a 4.0 during the school year, but i get so lazy. damn i'm lazy. i be lazy and sleepy. sleep is becoming my enemy. i'm trying to hide my laziness this time though. i'm on top of my game. so far i'm doing my homework the day i get it, and i read the chapters for my classes ahead of time. i know, i know - this is all shit that i shoulda BEEN doing. but hey, i'm not perfect. there's a lot of shit i shoulda been doing... but we won't go into all of that.

the damn patriots won the superbowl. do you ever make bets with yourself to determine the outcome of things? like... if you're tryin to make shots of balled up pieces of paper into the trashcan while you study, you'll say to yourself "if i make this shot, i'll get an A on this test." i do that crap all the time. with everything. i made a bet with myself on who was going to win the superbowl. needless to say, i lost. the eagles weren't comin through for me. mcnabb just didn't bring his A game. so now i have to suffer thru these next 3 months because the patriots won and the eagles lost.

i'm gonna make magnets to announce my graduation. i think it's the cutest idea. that way my family/friends can keep the memory on their fridge and look at it everyday. how special! i'll show you an example soon as i finalize them.

well, lemme go back to payin attention in this class. i do love the computer lab classes. they're so conducive to multitasking.


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