Busy Body
i like devin the dude - which prompts me to change the song i'm feeling (to the left). he's funny.
this weekend was great. i felt like i was on the move constantly (and that usually tires me out) but this time it was ok.
thursday night... i went to the party at the fish head cantina, chilled afterwards and ended up going to bed at the time that i shoulda been leaving for work.. almost 6 in the mornin. so needless to say i stayed my black ass at home on friday.
friday afternoon... i went to my SCI 100 lab to work on our group project with my fellow team members. we each had to collect samples from various bodies of water on campus and do tests on them in the lab. i had to climb down underneath this overpass to get my sample. i thought i was going to fall and die, but i didn't so all is well. we finished the tests, did the damn thing and were out. i love productivity.
friday night... what did i do friday night? my memory is failing me. oh ok, i remember. me and jg just chilled all night, watching tv for hours... this is not what's supposed to occur on a friday night, but oh well. we was chillin. sometimes it feels good to do nothin and just catch your breath. i think we left the house at one point to do somethin... clif came wit us, but i don't remember what we did. oh... the liquor store.
"my memory is about as long as a peanut" says flava flav. i feel the same way at times.
saturday mornin... had to wake up early for my appointment at the day spa. 8 o'clock in the frickin mornin. but it was well worth it :)
saturday night... i had to go home to go to this dinner party for one of my friends from elementary school. she turned 21. that's exciting for her. my 21st birthday feels like it was so long ago. we gettin old man. that dinner party lasted forever though. we got there at about 7, and didn't leave until 11:30. i had fun, but i was too tired afterwards. saturday was also sdot's birthday... i do love birthdays. come to think of it, i don't know why i even drove home, when i coulda just went straight to bowie where the party was. all that extra drivin, damn. hindsight is 20/20.
saturday night (cont)... was a night well spent.
sunday... had to go to the NAACP freedom fund dinner down by my house. so i had to pack up and go back home again. this time in full business attire. dr. hrabowski was speaking at the banquet/dinner. that was my mom's motivation for buying the tickets. he is a great speaker though. absolutely wonderful. he gets everybody motivated and really feel what he's saying.
sunday night... came back, chilled with tiané and friend, did the damn thing, then i went the hell to sleep.
monday... is happening now. i am so tired. i didn't sleep much at all this weekend. at least, not in large chunks of time. it was more like spurts. so now i'm tired as hell and i think i'm gonna have to go take a nap somewhere. this is why i need to move down here close to work. if i lived like 5-10 minutes away from here, then i could just go home and lay down for a lil while and come back rejuvinated. (i think that's how you spell that) but i know me, so living close by could also be dangerous because there will be many a time that i just wouldn't come back to work.
lemme go take my lunch break now cause i'm seriously bout to fall asleep at this damn computer.
ok so i'm back. i needed that. i went shopping. some for jg, some for me. i am now back to life. just waiting on my meeting at 2 so i can leave work after that.
so why is it so cold outside? i mean it's wear-a-coat weather out there and i don't understand it. i'm gonna need an explanation.
i'm in a weird mood. not good, not bad. kinda blah. why is that?