Monday, April 25, 2005

Busy Body

i like devin the dude - which prompts me to change the song i'm feeling (to the left). he's funny.

this weekend was great. i felt like i was on the move constantly (and that usually tires me out) but this time it was ok.

thursday night... i went to the party at the fish head cantina, chilled afterwards and ended up going to bed at the time that i shoulda been leaving for work.. almost 6 in the mornin. so needless to say i stayed my black ass at home on friday.

friday afternoon... i went to my SCI 100 lab to work on our group project with my fellow team members. we each had to collect samples from various bodies of water on campus and do tests on them in the lab. i had to climb down underneath this overpass to get my sample. i thought i was going to fall and die, but i didn't so all is well. we finished the tests, did the damn thing and were out. i love productivity.

friday night... what did i do friday night? my memory is failing me. oh ok, i remember. me and jg just chilled all night, watching tv for hours... this is not what's supposed to occur on a friday night, but oh well. we was chillin. sometimes it feels good to do nothin and just catch your breath. i think we left the house at one point to do somethin... clif came wit us, but i don't remember what we did. oh... the liquor store.

"my memory is about as long as a peanut" says flava flav. i feel the same way at times.

saturday mornin... had to wake up early for my appointment at the day spa. 8 o'clock in the frickin mornin. but it was well worth it :)

saturday night... i had to go home to go to this dinner party for one of my friends from elementary school. she turned 21. that's exciting for her. my 21st birthday feels like it was so long ago. we gettin old man. that dinner party lasted forever though. we got there at about 7, and didn't leave until 11:30. i had fun, but i was too tired afterwards. saturday was also sdot's birthday... i do love birthdays. come to think of it, i don't know why i even drove home, when i coulda just went straight to bowie where the party was. all that extra drivin, damn. hindsight is 20/20.

saturday night (cont)... was a night well spent.

sunday... had to go to the NAACP freedom fund dinner down by my house. so i had to pack up and go back home again. this time in full business attire. dr. hrabowski was speaking at the banquet/dinner. that was my mom's motivation for buying the tickets. he is a great speaker though. absolutely wonderful. he gets everybody motivated and really feel what he's saying.

sunday night... came back, chilled with tiané and friend, did the damn thing, then i went the hell to sleep.

monday... is happening now. i am so tired. i didn't sleep much at all this weekend. at least, not in large chunks of time. it was more like spurts. so now i'm tired as hell and i think i'm gonna have to go take a nap somewhere. this is why i need to move down here close to work. if i lived like 5-10 minutes away from here, then i could just go home and lay down for a lil while and come back rejuvinated. (i think that's how you spell that) but i know me, so living close by could also be dangerous because there will be many a time that i just wouldn't come back to work.

lemme go take my lunch break now cause i'm seriously bout to fall asleep at this damn computer.


ok so i'm back. i needed that. i went shopping. some for jg, some for me. i am now back to life. just waiting on my meeting at 2 so i can leave work after that.

so why is it so cold outside? i mean it's wear-a-coat weather out there and i don't understand it. i'm gonna need an explanation.

i'm in a weird mood. not good, not bad. kinda blah. why is that?

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Can't Wait.. I Can't Wait

it's funny how if you look at people's AIM profiles everybody who's graduating this semester has something about May 26th in there. whether it's a clever play on words, a short poem, or just the date, it's in there. so its not just me. everybody is excited to be done. 5 weeks and 4 days baby!

i haven't been up to anything much as of late. i've been doing everything besides my school work and i need to turn that shit around. i have a serious case of senioritis and i don't know how to shake it. when it gets this close to the end, i lose all focus. i'm so concentrated on the actual end that i just... don't want to do shit. i really don't want to do a damn thing. it's like senior year in high school all over again. i don't even know how i got through that one.

look at my baby girl!

she's getting big... gotta love the babies - but from afar. for the longest time i had my life planned out and thought that right after i finished grad school i would get married and have 2-3 kids and a dog. bullshit. i don't want that anymore. don't get me wrong, ultimately nothing will make me happier than having a family of my own... but in due time. yes i'd like to start all that by or around 30... but not so early in the 20's. i realize that it's important to have "me time." i need to have my chance to be totally selfish. i need to be able to travel at the drop of a hat, or buy those outrageously priced gucci glasses or have my 2-door coupe with the top down and not a care (or a kid) in the world. in due time i say. in due time.

my girl sdot writes poems. she's great at what she does. it's like what she writes, i've felt at one point or another. i believe this is one of hers.... it's called "maybe"

maybe u love her
maybe she's the one
maybe she's what u want
maybe she's what u need
and maybe that scares u
but maybe its ok
maybe she feels the same way
maybe its not perfect
but maybe its worth it

and maybe u'll never know
cause u didn't let it show

it's a classic.

shout out to sdot and jaybird!!! :)

ok so i have a lot of shit to do today. gotta find some shoes for this banquet i'm going to next sunday. and i still have to swim and buy the stuff i need (random things that should be kept in stock around the house). plus i gotta make some time for a stop at crown.

i need to just go head and invest so these frequent trips become unnecessary.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Holdin It Down

"I wear socks cause my feet sweat and if I didn't wear them, I'd slide around in my shoes cause my shoes are too big cause I like to keep things in them."

good ol' Jim Thomas. i came across that quote from his lectures and had to share. for those of you that don't know, JT is a philosophy teacher here at UMBC. he's quite the character.

graduation is now 7 weeks and 6 days away! just wanted to keep you all updated. i've ordered my "announcements" and they should arrive shortly. the excitement within me is great i tell you.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MYRA!!! we're like halfway to old now. but... still, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

:) i love birthdays. they're great. the best way to make them last longer is to celebrate the night before. if you do this, then you'll most likely be surrounded by those you love/like/slightly care for when the clock strikes midnight and its officially your birthday. you'll continue to celebrate/party the night away and then you'll go home in an innebriated stupor (or high off life - it's up to you). you'll go to sleep all happy because you just had a great time with your friends. then... you wake up the "next day" and guess what? it's STILL your birthday!!! yes. it's absolutely the only way to do it. whatever plans you have must include a celebration the night prior to the actual day.

i can't believe johnny cochran died. this is making me feel like i'm an adult. i know there seems to be no correlation here, but hear me out. it seems lately, "significant" people have been droppin like flies. (excuse the euphemism) now, these people aren't all dying from shootings or "preventable" deaths per se, and that's what makes me feel old. johnny cochran, barry white, ray charles, john ritter, odb, johnny carson, lamont bentley (hakeem from moesha)... the list goes on. see, these are all basically common names. and when i was younger, and people died, it didn't hit me because i didn't really know much about those people anyway. but now, when people die, its like "damn, for real?" cause you feel like you know them, and... i don't know. maybe i'm not explaining this well. but i'm sure you get my drift.

ll cool j is funny to me.

i get to see my baby this weekend! i'm excited.

this damn swimming class is getting on my nerves. i'm starting to get bored with it all, and the fact that i actually have to swim twice a week every week til the end of the damn semester... ahhhhh!!! (that's an angry yell) well, i don't actually swim, so we'll use that term loosely. i still have to get in the water though. and thats a pain. it's the whole getting dressed afterwards that kills me. cause you're still like half wet, and no matter how hard you try to dry, your skin still don't feel right. it must be the chlorine. i wish i had known that you can take the same PE twice and it counts toward your requirements. i woulda just took bowling twice. that shit is already over for the semester. yay for early ending classes.

what do you think about Jesus? seriously.

last night i went to this diversity program for staff development. reslife introduced new requirements this semester for the paraprofessional staff where we have to attend one program a month hosted by the CD's. (my opinion of this change will remain neutral.) however, last night was great. the program was well-thought-out and i enjoyed myself. we got into some pretty deep discussions about the difference between "black americans" and "african americans" (meaning the difference between the american black people and the black people whose families came here from africa) we also discussed the way the gay population is treated, the way asians are perceived, etc. we touched on a bit of everything. it was a really good program. almost everybody had something to add to the discussion, and people really got into their roles when we did the role-playing part. kudos to the organizers. i have to admit, i was skeptical going in, but pleased coming out.

i got to chill wit kb last night too when we went to myra's thing. i haven't seen her in like forever. it was great tho. back to old times. our schedules just don't match up at all right now cause she's busy workin and i'm busy tryin to finish school. plus i feel far away cause i'm in bmore and she's down here in pg. its only like a 25 min drive tho. so we're just gonna have to get up wit each other more often.

i feel like i have so many items on my to do list and very little time. this weekend is about to be real hectic.