Friday, February 25, 2005

No Snow

what's the deal?

school closed early yesterday, thanks to the snow... we shoulda closed earlier, but i won't complain.

bowling ends next thursday, which is great for me cause now i'll only have one class 10-11:15am, then i'm done. it's cool cause i can just go home on thursdays. home is where the heart is. home is also where a lot of my friends are.

i need to start putting more energy into going home often cause there ain't shit up here for me besides school. once my clases are over, why stay up here? so, unless i'm on duty or i have a program...

i love watching maury. i don't know why - it's like a toned down version of jerry springer. the paternity tests are the most interesting. how these women have so many candidates as possible fathers of their baby is really crazy. having doubts about 2 - maybe 3 men... that's more understandable (although not condonable). but 5 men or more? got damn. you musta been busy as hell that week.

i gotta go swimming today. i'm glad this class can be done at any time, as long as you swim a half hour 2 days a week. but at the same time, it's startin to get on my nerves. but again, i won't complain. comlaining solves nothing. it's not like i will miraculously be exempt from taking the class or some shit... so - moving on.

this weekend should be fun. i'm gonna go chill wit the homies down south and just get fucked up and go out. that's what i need right now. i just don't feel like thinking any more. it takes up too much energy.

i'm tired. not sleepy, but tired.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Hitch Pitch

my bad yall... i know i probably faked you out yesterday by changing the date in my profile prematurely. i had all intentions of making a spectacular entry during my 10am class, but i got caught up doin a favor for somebody that took much longer than i thought it would. no need to fret - i'm here now!

this is the first break i took since i got here this morning. the work just keeps coming now, and they have short term due dates, so it's not like i can bullshit for a month then get crackin at the last minute. i'm working closer with our actual customers now... creating and updating web pages. when they ask for a change to be made, i like to give them a less-than-a-day turnaround. even though i'm in the government, our branch is running a business, so i have to be on top of it.

needless to say, i'm drained and tired. i feel like there's a whole rack of shit that i have to do, and no time to do it in. hell will start in a couple weeks once my classes have the deliverables due for group projects. i hate group projects. out of the 4 academic classes i'm taking, 3 of them require me to have groups. bahumbug.

how was your valentines? mine went ok. i got flowers. (thank you very much, feel free to keep 'em comin... haha) i've never received an arrangement of flowers before. i love firsts.

can canned tuna go bad?

we went to see hitch last night. have you seen it? it's an ok movie. i mean, it's very cute.... a very good valentine's day movie. will smith was funny. and so was that dude from king of queens. some of the stuff was a little over the top... but hey - it's a movie.

i have new pictures of the baby! laila marie. my baby cousin. i went to see her this weekend. she's almost 2 months, and she has the fatest little head. she's a good baby though. she kept falling asleep on my chest. it's a cozy feeling when a baby sleeps on you. ain't she cute?

well, i've been breaking for about 20 minutes now. i gotta get back to work so i can lighten my load for friday. ahhh friday. i can't wait.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Feelin Good, Feelin Great

i think it's funny that a lot of my blog titles come from songs. just goes to show how important music is...

so ma dukes is startin to slip back into mommy mode. i just got off the phone with her, and she's just being extra right now. she wants to know when i'll be physically moving in, when i'll be bringing my stuff in, etc. she said that it will be a culture shock for the both of us - which is true. i'm starting to think that i might should move in with my grandmother though. nothing against my mom... but i'm thinking about all the crap that i have and i'm thinking that my grandma's house would be more accomodating. i have a little bit of time to think about it.

gotta go see my baby this weekend. i'm excited.

my grandmother says that she's gonna get the truck fixed so i can drive it. i'm excited about that too. i'll make sure that she gets a move on it. it's supposed to be ready by next weekend.

my boss friend is going on a cruise this coming week. man, i wish. i would love to be surrounded by the beautiful carribean weather instead of this harsh windy ass weather we're having now.

my credit card debt is slowly dwindling. i'm pleased. we're still in the thousands, but trust me, it's much better than what we started with.

damn, nobody works on fridays. it really seems like there's nobody here. i've been here for over an hour now, and i've only seen one other person. there's not much work for me to do, because i finished it all on wednesday when i was here. i have to leave early today anyway so i can take my boss friend to the airport and give her her mp3 player. i'm sure it will come in handy during the trip.

i was thinking about getting an ipod shuffle. how do we feel about that? eh... i think i won't get it. i can't keep buying everything i want just because i want it. i must begin to practice some restraint. priorities man. i gotta keep reminding myself of my priorities.

i really can't wait to get the 4runner from my grandmother. i hope she comes thru for me in a timely fashion.

i'm bout to start reading ahead in one of my textbooks because it's so boring here. NOBODY is here dammit. i think i'm gonna take off next friday. we get the monday after that off anyway, so it will be a 4-day weekend. yea i might have to do that...

so last night i reconnected with a friend that i hadn't talked to in MONTHS. and that's a long ass time when you're used to conversing on a daily basis. anyway, i just decided that enough was enough and to call him. so i did. and we talked. and everything's cool again. we gotta catch up now. so let the partying begin. haha

i'm feeling motivated. i'm feeling at ease... comfortable. clear-headed. feelin good, feelin great.

i've learned that it's easier to deal with things once you get used to them.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

The Wire

so far, so good. 15 weeks left, and i'm still hanging in there.

now i need to start thinking about what i'm going to do with my room at home. i wanted to redo the middle room, which is the room i had orginally, but my mom was sayin somethin about makin it an office. so now i have to stay in the guest room, where i slept all through high school. don't ask. i have 2 rooms basically, but the middle one is filled with clothes. i'm gonna have to invest some serious time into re-organizing.

i'm thinking living with my mother won't be so bad. at first i was slightly opposed, but we get along great now, so i don't really foresee any problems. i'll be staying there for a short period of time anyway, (let's keep our fingers crossed) so there should be little to no issues. i'm actually excited to go home. i haven't been home in so long. like actually BEEN home... not just run in for my mail, or stop by to stay hi. i haven't LIVED there since winter break, freshman year. and here we are 4 years later...

i need a distraction. any out there? i'm glad school started again, because it keeps me busy. and i have a new boss at work now. she keeps me busy as well with all these new assignments and whatnot. it's cool though, i need to be put to use anyway. they need to get the bang for their buck, so i do my work in the morning when i get here, so i have the rest of the day to myself. i try to get everything done while i'm here, so when i telecommute (on tuesdays and thursdays) i won't have much work to do then. that way i can spend my time doing other things.

swimming is going good. (did i mention i was taking swimming? - well, i am) at first, i was apprehensive to the whole thing because i hadn't been in a pool since God knows when. but after the first time i got back in, it wasn't so bad. now i'm supposed to be learning how to swim for real from an actual swimmer, but we'll see how that goes. i can tread water well, so i guess that's good enough for now.

and i'm taking bowling now. that class is... a waste of $6. that's right. it's $6 a pop. every tuesday and thursday. but the good thing about that class is that it ends on march 3rd. so i'm not gonna complain too much about it, because i'm always up for a class that ends early.

the underwire on my bra broke. i don't know how, but it cracked in half... maybe in the washing machine. i noticed it was bent when i put it on, but i didn't think nothin of it. now the shit is sticking me in my rib and irritating the hell out of me. yea, this is a lot of information, but it's important that you feel as though you're right here with me, so i must paint a vivid picture.

i can't wait til its time to go to vegas. i feel like everything that's far away has got to be better than what's here. the grass is always greener on the other side, right?

Monday, February 07, 2005

Ahead of the Game

it feels like i haven't written in here in a long ass time. seems like forever.

i've been keepin busy now that school has started back. had to go through RA training again FOR THE LAST TIME... which wasn't too bad this year. we went to see the holocaust as a group. it was a sad experience. i'm not too sure why they made us go through that, seeing as how it was really an individual trip. there was no tour guide and no group activities besides reading the posters on the walls. it was a good learning experience though. last time i went to that museum was in 8th grade. i don't think i really appreciated it then... it was too much for me to handle.

then school started last week. i'm goin out with a bang. i'm tryin to get straight a's this semester. i've only done that twice since i've been here, but those were both summer sessions. i know i'm capable of gettin a 4.0 during the school year, but i get so lazy. damn i'm lazy. i be lazy and sleepy. sleep is becoming my enemy. i'm trying to hide my laziness this time though. i'm on top of my game. so far i'm doing my homework the day i get it, and i read the chapters for my classes ahead of time. i know, i know - this is all shit that i shoulda BEEN doing. but hey, i'm not perfect. there's a lot of shit i shoulda been doing... but we won't go into all of that.

the damn patriots won the superbowl. do you ever make bets with yourself to determine the outcome of things? like... if you're tryin to make shots of balled up pieces of paper into the trashcan while you study, you'll say to yourself "if i make this shot, i'll get an A on this test." i do that crap all the time. with everything. i made a bet with myself on who was going to win the superbowl. needless to say, i lost. the eagles weren't comin through for me. mcnabb just didn't bring his A game. so now i have to suffer thru these next 3 months because the patriots won and the eagles lost.

i'm gonna make magnets to announce my graduation. i think it's the cutest idea. that way my family/friends can keep the memory on their fridge and look at it everyday. how special! i'll show you an example soon as i finalize them.

well, lemme go back to payin attention in this class. i do love the computer lab classes. they're so conducive to multitasking.