so one semester down, 3 to go. i haven't written in here in a minute. lately i find that a lot that goes on in my life is not meant for the public eye. so it kinda makes it hard for me to write in here, because there's much information that i'd rather just keep to myself. but just to keep you up to date...
work is going good. we went through a re-org so now i have a new boss, and he's cool. things are goin pretty good at work. there isn't much work to do actually, so a lot of my time is spent checking my email over and over. when school was in session, i did my homework at work, but now the semester's over, so i just read books at my desk. surfing the net gets tiring. i guess i'm actually quite bored at work now that i think about it. eh. moving on.
so i made a big purchase. i'm surprised at how i haven't really been "spreading the word" i'm on this whole motto of: if you see it you see it. if you don't you don't.
i live with c&t now too. i dont know if i mentioned that before. so i'm not on campus... i had to get away. i had been there for over 5 years, and i was getting seriously burnt out by the umbc life over all. so now i'm officially a commuter which is great. now class is like a job... when it's over, i take my ass home. and home isn't a few feet from where class just was. so i actually like it this way. i live in crofton and i love that too. its pretty convenient. and i'm quite enjoying the situation that we have created here. its like i have inherited brothers. that's how my mom put it, and i agree.
i'm gettin sleepy. more to come later.